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[商用英文/商業英文] 英文母語人士分享的20個最實用商用英文片語/用法 (feat. Ringle讓你的英文回答變高級








1. Follow-up – 後續追蹤
Ex. I want to follow-up on this project/deadline/question..

2. Wrap this up- 將~結束

Ex. I hope to wrap this project up in the next 2 weeks…


3. Let’s sync up/on – 對焦

Ex. Let’s sync up next week after we finish our parts.


4. . FYI: for your information - 提供參考

Ex. FYI the date was pushed up for X project!


5. Let me get back to you on that - 我之後會再跟您聯絡

When responding to an ask


6. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns-請讓我知道您是否有任何想法或問題

When wrapping up an email or message (keep the convo open)


7. Let’s circle back to that later- 之後再討論

When pushing an agenda item to later in the meeting


8. I wanted to get your thoughts-我想聽你們的意見

When asking for their opinion or perspective


9. Touch base - 聯絡

Ex. I'll touch base with you next week to discuss the project details.


10. On the same page - 持有一樣的想法

Ex. Before we proceed, I want to make sure we're all on the same page.


11. Bail out – (透過金錢或是捐款)幫人脫離困境

Ex. We were in real trouble when our client refused to pay; I’m glad the bank bailed us out.


12.Take over- 接手

Ex. This department has performed so much better since Simon took over. He’s a great manager.


13. Take on - 接下XXX任務

Ex. I’m pleased to offer you a promotion and I hope you will take on this new challenge.


14. ‘Cut back’ – 減少

Ex. We don’t have much money in our budget, so we are going to have to cut back on our spending.


15. Back up – 給予人/想法支持

Ex. I’m not sure everyone will agree with me about this plan. Will you back me up in the meeting so I have some support?


16. . Low-hanging fruit - 很容易能達到的目標

Ex. Let's tackle the low-hanging fruit first to show some immediate results


17. Push the envelope -突破極限

Ex. We need to push the envelope and come up with innovative solutions.


18. Think outside the box- 跳脫思維的框架

Ex. To solve this problem, we need to think outside the box.


19. Deal with – 處理/應對XXX

Ex. You dealt with that situation well. It’s all under control now.


20. Sort out – 解決

Ex. Thank you for sorting out the problems with my e-mail. It works perfectly now.


5 個商業英文溝通心法!

  • Friendly:親切的語言
  • Concise:精準的表達
  • Appreciative:感謝對方的態度
  • Safe space:保持舒適的距離感
  • Emojis:善用表情符號

Ringle的教材裡有一個分類是"商業英文",其中在 #Speaking Practice分類裡面有一個教材叫 Replacing Common Expressions,目前已經推出了三篇

  • Replacing Common Expressions (1):Good vs. Bad
  • Replacing Common Expressions (2):Love vs. Hate
  • Replacing Common Expressions (3):Alternatives for the cold, hard “No.”

在用英文回答問題時,如果用只是簡短的回答Good or No, 或是使用包含很果斷意義的動詞Love or Hate,在中文母語者的語言習慣裡,這些表達方式並不會有大問題。使用中文溝通時,好或不好、要或不要、喜歡或是討厭,用簡短的表達感覺,反觀使用英文溝通時,通常會避免非黑即白的回答方式,除了避免太果斷,也能緩和對話時的氛圍。


回答Good vs. Bad情境


- What did you think about the “Barbie” movie?

- How did you like Thailand? I heard it was your first time going.

- Are you a fan of deep-dish pizza?

- What’s your take on this marketing strategy?

- How do you feel about this outfit for the Christmas party?


如果想要避免使用 ”Good“ or ”bad“回答問題,我們可以說...

[ 如果喜歡...] Good: If you like something…

- It was worth (going/watching/doing…). (Neutral)

* It’s worth the watch = I would recommend it.

- It was/went better than I thought. (Neutral)

- I thought it was pretty on point [3]. (Neutral - Casual)


除了直接說喜歡某個人事物,我們也可以用讚美或是正向的形容表達我們的正面評價,比如有人問你“How did you enjoy Thailand?(你覺得泰國好玩嗎?)你可以回答“It was absolutely stunning(真是太棒了)”而不是只是用很簡單的字說“It was good / It was nice.(還不錯)”

[如果不太確定,態度中立] Neutral: If you are not sure how you feel…

- I’m on the fence about it. (Formal - Neutral)

* [Idiom] I can’t make a decision about it. / I can’t tell how I feel about it yet.

- I didn’t care for it that much. (Neutral)

* The meaning of this can lean more towards “not liking” something, depending on the tone.

[如果覺得還可以] If it was “not bad”...

- Could have been worse.

- Not too shabby (Casual)

- Can’t complain (Casual)

- Nothing special (Casual)

- “Meh” (Casual - Slang) = So-so / alright

* [Intonation tip] Say “meh” in a higher pitched sound than the rest of the words in the sentence (i.e. “I feel pretty ‘meh’ about it”). As a bonus, you can even make a small frown as you say it, or shake your palm (face down) to indicate “so-so”.

[如果不喜歡...] Bad: You dislike something…

- It’s not quite hitting the mark for me. (Formal)

* [Nuance] Something is missing, it’s not meeting my standards.

- I didn’t appreciate ____. (Formal)

* Example: “I didn’t appreciate how you talked to me in that meeting.”

- I found it underwhelming. (Formal)

* Meaning: A formal way to say “boring”

- It didn’t sit well with me. (Formal - Neutral)

* [Nuance] Something about it made you feel uncomfortable

- It could be better. / You can do better. (Neutral)

- It’s overrated. (Neutral)

* Meaning: People are overly excited for what it actually is.

- It wasn’t my cup of tea. (Neutral)

* [Idiom] It didn’t match my taste or preferences. 

- I'm not blown away by it. (Neutral)

* Meaning: It doesn't "wow" me.

- I'm not a fan of it. (Neutral)

* Can be used for people, ideas, things.
- It wasn’t really my thing. (Casual)

* Casual version of “It wasn’t my cup of tea.”

- I couldn’t get into it. (Casual)

* Meaning: I couldn’t naturally find interest or enthusiasm for it / It was hard to pay attention.

- It’s not worth the hype (Casual - Slang)

* Meaning: Slang version of “It’s overrated”

- I’m not really feeling it. (Slang)

* It’s not my vibe / I don’t want to pursue this.

看完了那麼多表達正面、負面以及中立的英文用法,是不是覺得英文真的很有趣呢?如果能在日常生活或是工作的場合,適時地使用這些英文諺語,不僅能更準確地表達自己的想法,也能讓英文是母語的朋友或是同事大吃一驚,覺得你的英文真的太道地跟你說 “Your English is absolutely stunning!"。


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