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[Ringle AI Tutor] FAQ
How can I request a refund (cancel my subscription)?
How you cancel your AI Tutor membership depends on how you paid for it.
[If you purchased the membership through the Ringle app]
- Cancel your membership directly from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
- If you cancel your membership subscription within 7 days, your subscription will be canceled without any penalty.
After 7 days, membership subscription cancelations and refunds are subject to each store's policies.
ⓐ Google Play Store
- See:
- The customer needs to request a refund directly through the Google Play Store.
ⓑ Apple App Store
- See:
- The customer can cancel on their own through the App Store.
[If you are purchasing the membership through the Ringle website]
- Please contact Ringle Customer Service Cneter for membership cancellation/refunds.
- Within 7 days of purchase: Full refund available
- After 7 days: partial refund depending on the time period used (10% penalty)