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Lesson Point-back Policy Ends for Newly Purchased Lesson Credits (from May 31st)


Hello, this is the Ringle team.

Starting May 31, 2024, the policy of issuing 3% lesson points (point-back) for every paid lesson credit purchased will be terminated.

Until now, Ringle has been providing lesson points equivalent to 3% of the payment upon the completion of one-to-one lessons for all paid lesson credits.

Our review of customer point usage frequency revealed that points often expired before being used due to low redemption rates. After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue this policy. In the future, we plan to introduce new point schemes that may be used for paid webinars, extending subscription periods, or at the time of purchasing additional lesson vouchers, as per customer requests.

We deeply apologize to all who have utilized Ringle lesson points for not maintaining the policy and promise to compensate with improved one-to-one English lessons.

Detailed Information and Notes:

  • From 00:00 KST on May 31, 2024, lesson points will no longer be issued upon the completion of one-to-one lessons for any lesson credits purchased from this date forward.
  • Lesson points will still be issued for all lesson vouchers purchased before this date upon the completion of one-to-one lessons.
  • Lesson points will continue to be issued upon the completion of one-to-one lessons for already purchased lesson vouchers.
  • Existing lesson points and any newly issued points can still be used for purchasing lesson vouchers or extending subscription periods until their expiration.

If you have any questions related to the policy change, please contact our customer service.

Thank you.

Ringle Team

Ringle Kakao Talk
Help Center +82-2-6204-8880
Teens Kakao TalkTeens Help Center +82-2-588-3431
B2B Team | business@ringleplus.com
平日午前10時~午後6時 (KST) 昼休み 1PM - 2PM (KST)
2020 - 2025

ⓒRingle English Education Service | 大韓民国ソウル特別市瑞草区瑞草路78ギル-22
事業者登録番号 876-81-00110
通信販売申告番号 2019-ソウル江南-04831
代表取締役 : イ・ソンパ、イ・スンフン 個人情報責任者 : イ・ソンパ
個人情報保護管理者:Lee Sungpah
代表番号 02-6204-8880 | contact@ringleplus.com
資料保護について: security@ringleplus.com
個人情報保護について: privacy@ringleplus.com
