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How to Ringle
Ringle Tips

[STEP 1] Getting Ready to Ringle


💡Complete the following two steps before you begin!

Let's check what you need to prepare for Ringle lesson.

1. Install Zoom on your camera-equipped laptop

Log in to the Ringle website and follow the instructions on our Zoom guide.
You can also use a webcam if your computer does not have a built-in camera.
👉 Wondering how to install Zoom?

2. Use the mobile App

You can download the Ringle app from the Play Store or the App Store. You can take your lessons on the mobile app without installing Zoom, but you will have no access to Ringle Docs, on which your tutor's real-time corrections will be displayed. We therefore recommend you use a PC for side-by-side view of your tutor and the corrections during your lesson.

3. Choose your time zone

Log in → Click your profile → [Basic Info] → [Time Zone] and choose your area. Your lessons will now be displayed in your local time.

⚠️ Sign in to Ringle on Chrome or Safari via your private network.

1. Your access to Ringle may be limited on a corporate network with firewalls.

2. Ringle works best on Chrome, and does not support Internet Explorer.

Ready to take your first lesson on Ringle?
Ringle Kakao Talk
Help Center +82-2-6204-8880
Teens Kakao TalkTeens Help Center +82-2-588-3431
B2B Team | business@ringleplus.com
平日午前10時~午後6時 (KST) 昼休み 1PM - 2PM (KST)
2020 - 2025

ⓒRingle English Education Service | 大韓民国ソウル特別市瑞草区瑞草路78ギル-22
事業者登録番号 876-81-00110
通信販売申告番号 2019-ソウル江南-04831
代表取締役 : イ・ソンパ、イ・スンフン 個人情報責任者 : イ・ソンパ
個人情報保護管理者:Lee Sungpah
代表番号 02-6204-8880 | contact@ringleplus.com
資料保護について: security@ringleplus.com
個人情報保護について: privacy@ringleplus.com
