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How to Ringle
Ringle Tips

Ringle Lessons for All Levels


💡 To provide the most “real-world” environment, we don’t set levels for our lessons

But instead offer full customization with the user-selected tutor, material and lesson modes.

💡 Ringle doesn't set difficulty levels for lessons but instead offers full customization on tutors, materials, and lesson styles.

Ringle's 1,200+ lesson materials cover a wide spectrum of topics ranging from casual to advanced. Our lesson materials are designed to expand your discussion for topics from familiar topics (Everyday Talk, Junior) to sophisticated ones (Biz/Econ, Society, Science/Tech).

Often, a student’s familiarity with a topic of the selected lesson materials determines the perceived difficulty level of the lesson rather than the student’s innate English abilities. Thus, we recommend that each student starts out with lessons on familiar topics and take time to diverge to less familiar topics.

💡 If you don’t feel advanced enough for a Ringle lesson..

Over half of Ringle customers speak at a beginner or intermediate level of English, most of which have a little problem with reading but feel less comfortable with speaking and/or writing.
Beginner or intermediate level learners can be found both among adult students and K-12 students.

Some of these learners have initially felt intimidated by the advanced levels of Ringle’s lesson materials or profiles of Ringle tutors but later were pleasantly surprised to discover otherwise. They were surprised to learn that even the smartest tutors used terms that could easily be understood. Ringle tutors articulate their thoughts well without using very difficult vocabulary, which makes them great tutors. Ringle tutors have helped learners realize that good content doesn’t require complicated words to be delivered clearly.

👉 Want to find the right materials for your level and purpose of learning?

Wondering how Ringle lessons can suit your English level?
Ringle Kakao Talk
Help Center +82-2-6204-8880
Teens Kakao TalkTeens Help Center +82-2-588-3431
B2B Team | business@ringleplus.com
平日午前10時~午後6時 (KST) 昼休み 1PM - 2PM (KST)
2020 - 2025

ⓒRingle English Education Service | 大韓民国ソウル特別市瑞草区瑞草路78ギル-22
事業者登録番号 876-81-00110
通信販売申告番号 2019-ソウル江南-04831
代表取締役 : イ・ソンパ、イ・スンフン 個人情報責任者 : イ・ソンパ
個人情報保護管理者:Lee Sungpah
代表番号 02-6204-8880 | contact@ringleplus.com
資料保護について: security@ringleplus.com
個人情報保護について: privacy@ringleplus.com
