If A is followed closely by B, it means that B is smaller than, but only slightly smaller than, A.
Dresses account for 10% of the clothing type, closely followed by skirts.
Dogs stand for about 5% of the animals, followed by cats.
When describing a “piece” of a pie chart, you might say the “piece” takes up a small, medium, or large portion of the pie. [SYNONYMS: stands for, take up, make up, account for, represent]
The proportion of loggers makes up most of the pie.
While the vast majority of dancers are made up of females, there are still a significant number of males.
the most by far [SYNONYMS: the largest (source) of, a greater proportion of, a significant chunk/proportion of]
The vast majority of people that are interested in reading own e-readers.
The “eager to change” category makes up the majority of people who were surveyed.
clarify or explain [SYNONYMS: show, describe]
The sample illustrates why we must be careful when testing specimens.
I will illustrate one technique for maximizing profit.