put up or persevere with something difficult or disagreeable
Despite the challenges, they decided to stick it out and continue working towards their goals.
The marathon runner’s determination and perseverance allowed them to stick it out until the very end.
a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development
The lab is reporting a major breakthrough in RNA research.
Her breakthrough came when she won a Grammy award when she was 19.
to imitate or copy the actions, appearance, or speech of someone
The comedian could mimic various celebrities with incredible accuracy.
The parrot could mimic human speech so well that it often fooled visitors.
someone who advocates or supports a particular cause or idea
She is a strong proponent of adopting eco-friendly practices in the workplace.
Our CEO is a proponent of taking calculated risks and encourages employees to be innovative.
made worse
The difficulties of traveling are compounded by the annoying singing of my travel partners.
The problems are compounded by various factors outside of our control.
characterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization
The company's slipshod approach to quality control resulted in frequent product recalls.
His slipshod work on the project led to numerous errors and delays.
deal with
I can’t cope with this right now– can we talk later?
It’s hard to cope with the feelings of hurt sometimes.