귀하가 사용하고 계신 브라우저는 HTML5를 지원하고 있지 않아서, 할 수 없이 JScript를 써서 몇몇 요소가 제대로 보이도록 구현했습니다. 그런데 안타깝게도 귀하의 브라우저에선 스크립트 기능이 꺼져있습니다. 이 페이지가 제대로 표시되려면 스크립트 기능을 켜주셔야만 합니다.
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Now, Review a Lesson More Easily and Accurately


You can now view the CAF Analysis results on your PC

Great news for those who found it inconvenient to review on the small mobile app screen!

The 'Ringle CAF Analysis', which was only available on the Ringle mobile app, can now be accessed on a PC. After completing a lesson, go to the "Review" tab, and you can check your scores for Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency in the "CAF Analysis" section. You can also identify areas that need focused study.

Ringle CAF Analysis Report screenshot.

Now, with a larger screen, comfortably check your CAF Analysis results and areas that need improvement.

You can view the CAF Analysis results down to the decimal point

Have you always been frustrated with the same scores while using the CAF Analysis?

Now, the levels for C, A, and F in the CAF Analysis are indicated in decimals, allowing you to perceive subtle changes in your English proficiency.

For instance, if your Accuracy level consistently showed as Lv 7, you can now see a clear improvement, like Lv7.8.

Ringle CAF Anlysis image.

Every 0.1 point is precious to us. Let's not get discouraged and gradually improve our skills.

Check the English spoken in class with a more accurate script

*The lesson analysis script update will be reflected in lessons conducted after September 5th (Tue) KST.

One of the popular methods many customers use for Ringle lesson reviews is checking the "lesson script". The English content discussed with the tutor during the lesson is automatically transcribed, making it useful to review missed parts or expressions you want to revisit.

However, there were issues where 1) the conversation between the tutor and the student was reversed, or 2) incorrect words were transcribed due to inaccurate pronunciation. We've improved these aspects for a more accurate review.

  1. Even if the conversation between the tutor and the student gets mixed up, the script accurately distinguishes who said what.
  2. Proper nouns like "Ringle" are accurately recognized, and the Word Error Rate has been reduced to enhance the accuracy of the script.

Now, review your lesson more comfortably and accurately with the script!

링글 카카오톡
링글 고객센터 02-6204-8880
틴즈 카카오톡링글 틴즈 고객센터 02-588-3431
기업 교육팀 business@ringleplus.com
평일 오전 10:00 - 오후 6:00(KST) 점심시간: 오후 1:00 - 오후 2:00(KST)
2020 - 2025
6년 연속 선정한국소비자 평가 최고의 브랜드

(주)링글잉글리시에듀케이션서비스 | 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 415,4층401호 (삼성동,L7HOTELS강남 타워)
사업자등록번호: 876-81-00110
통신판매신고번호: 2019-서울강남-04831
대표이사: 이성파, 이승훈
개인정보 보호책임자: 이성파
대표전화: 02-6204-8880 | contact@ringleplus.com
보안 관련 문의: security@ringleplus.com
개인정보보호문의: privacy@ringleplus.com
