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Rookie Tutors 50% Value Back



We are running a beta program of "Rookie Tutors 50% Value Back."

We select tutors through a four-stage selection process that takes about 2-3 weeks. As most of the new tutors on Ringle have gone through various verification processes, they have received positive reviews from their first two students.

However, some new tutors may experience difficulties in receiving many lessons until they accumulate three to four reviews after joining Ringle.

Therefore, we have decided to give a 50% Value Back by points on the lesson fee for those who leave reviews for Rookie tutors with "50% Value Back" label.

We believe this will be a good opportunity for new tutors to gain a quick soft-landing, and for students to have the chance to take lessons with new tutors without the burden on the price.

[How to receive 50% point-back benefit]

  • Look for tutors with the "50% Value Back" label on the home/tutor/book page.
  • If you booked the lesson with a purchased credit with the "50% Value Back" tutor and left a review of more than 100 characters 50% of the fee will be automatically credited as points.
  • We do not ask for positive feedbacks for unsatisfactory lessons. We expect constructive reviews that can help other students choose tutors and provide balanced advice for areas where tutors need improvement.

[100% credit-back guarantee]

Ringle supports "100% credit-back guarantee" to ensure the lesson quality. If you are unsatisfied with our Rookie tutor, please let us know the reason and give a tutor evaluation of 3 or less. We will refund the credit back (twice per month limit only for paid lessons).

Meet our rookie tutors now!

Thank you.

링글 카카오톡
링글 고객센터 02-6204-8880
틴즈 카카오톡링글 틴즈 고객센터 02-588-3431
기업 교육팀 business@ringleplus.com
평일 오전 10:00 - 오후 6:00(KST) 점심시간: 오후 1:00 - 오후 2:00(KST)
2020 - 2025
6년 연속 선정한국소비자 평가 최고의 브랜드

(주)링글잉글리시에듀케이션서비스 | 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 415,4층401호 (삼성동,L7HOTELS강남 타워)
사업자등록번호: 876-81-00110
통신판매신고번호: 2019-서울강남-04831
대표이사: 이성파, 이승훈
개인정보 보호책임자: 이성파
대표전화: 02-6204-8880 | contact@ringleplus.com
보안 관련 문의: security@ringleplus.com
개인정보보호문의: privacy@ringleplus.com
