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Tutor Filter Function Update


Hello, this is the Ringle Customer Experience Team.

We are pleased to announce an update to the tutor page filter function to help you find tutors that best match your needs more easily and quickly among over 2,000 Ringle tutors.

This update has been made based on customer feedback and tutor search data. Specifically, filters have been added based on the keywords most frequently used by customers during tutor searches.

Here are the improved filter categories and functions introduced in this update:

1. After logging into Ringle, you can navigate to the tutor page via [Home] > [Quick Menu] > [Tutor] button.

2. The following filters have been added:

  • Major
  • Work or Graduate School Experience
  • Strengths
    • The AI analyzes the tutor's profile, lesson ratings, and lesson reviews to filter the tutor's strengths.
    • [Beginner English] [English Discussion] [Graduate School Interview] [Business Interview] [Business English] [Official English] [Test Essay/Resume]
  • Featured
    • These are tutors who have received high lesson ratings and positive reviews over the past month. If you are not satisfied with a lesson with a Ringle recommended tutor, we will restore your lesson credit. (Limited to paid lesson credits, 3-star rating or below with reason submission, limited to twice a month)
  • 50% Value Back (Rookie Tutors)
    • If you leave a review after a lesson with a rookie tutor, we will refund 50% of the lesson fee as Ringle points. (Limited to paid lesson credits)

With the new tutor filter function, reduce the time it takes to find a tutor and find the optimal tutor that fits your English study goals. The Ringle team will continue to strive to provide better services.

Thank you.

The Ringle Team

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6년 연속 선정한국소비자 평가 최고의 브랜드

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대표이사: 이성파, 이승훈
개인정보 보호책임자: 이성파
대표전화: 02-6204-8880 | contact@ringleplus.com
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