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How to Ringle
Ringle Tips

How Ringle works


👩‍💻 Simply follow the steps below to study English with Ringle!

1:1 online English lessons with tutors from top universities! Unlock your potential with English!

What is Ringle?

  • In Ringle, you can choose a date, time, tutor and material that best fit your schedule.
  • Ringle offers 2,000+ active tutors and 1,500+ materials written by subject experts.
  • During lesson, you can follow along tutor's corrections and comments real-time.
  • If you build an international career, prepare Interview or Reusme & Essay Editing, study Business English, Ringle is best platform for you!

How Ringle works

You need to install Zoom in order to use Ringle.

Also, set your time zone! Log in → Click your profile → [Basic Info] → [Time Zone] and choose your area. Your lessons will now be displayed in your local time.

Login to Ringle → [Lessons] on the left side of the screen → [Book Lessons] and choose time and tutor you want to book. Choose the date/time and tutor that suits you best.

After finalizing booking, you can select material.

Click on [Lessons] → [Select Lesson style] to select discussion questions and customize your lesson.

Read the materials and mark questions you'd like to focus on during the lesson.

Don't forget to set your preferred lesson style and leave detailed requests for the tutor before the lesson.

Go to [Lessons] on the left side of the screen → [Enter Lesson].

You may enter 15 minutes before the lesson begins. See you tutor, materials, and questions all on the same screen. Follow along your tutor's corrections and comments real-time.

You can view all lessons you have taken so far and the lessons you have completed/not completed reviewing by going to [Lessons] → [Review].

You can also review past lessons by clicking the '<' button on the calendar.

If you're ready to upgrade your English,
book a lesson now.
추천 포스트
링글 카카오톡
링글 고객센터 02-6204-8880
틴즈 카카오톡링글 틴즈 고객센터 02-588-3431
기업 교육팀 business@ringleplus.com
평일 오전 10:00 - 오후 6:00(KST) 점심시간: 오후 1:00 - 오후 2:00(KST)
2020 - 2025
6년 연속 선정한국소비자 평가 최고의 브랜드

(주)링글잉글리시에듀케이션서비스 | 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 415,4층401호 (삼성동,L7HOTELS강남 타워)
사업자등록번호: 876-81-00110
통신판매신고번호: 2019-서울강남-04831
대표이사: 이성파, 이승훈
개인정보 보호책임자: 이성파
대표전화: 02-6204-8880 | contact@ringleplus.com
보안 관련 문의: security@ringleplus.com
개인정보보호문의: privacy@ringleplus.com
