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[3.0 Update] Meet the New Ringle


Ringle 3.0 update notice image.
💡 What is the Ringle 3.0 update?

The Ringle team, after a year of contemplating and planning services essential for enhancing customers' English proficiency, proceeded with the Ringle 3.0 update on December 4th. Through this update, not only have the screens that were previously visible upon login been completely revamped, but also new services have been introduced, and changes have been made to enhance your effective English learning experience from booking lessons and the learning area.

We will provide detailed guidance on how Ringle has changed and how it can further assist you in your English studies through the upcoming blog posting.

Why did Ringle change to 3.0?

Hello, I'm Yongjin, the lead PM for the Ringle 3.0 update project. On December 4th, after a year of preparation, the Ringle 3.0 update will be launched.

Many aspects, from appearance to the actual usage such as class reservations, preparation, and reviews, have changed to the extent that customers might feel, "Everything has changed."

Before detailing the specific changes, I'd like to share the reasons behind initiating this project.

During the first half of 2021, when we revamped Ringle 2.0 mobile app/PC web, our goal was to prominently showcase Ringle's core assets, tutors, and content. At that time, with less than 500 tutors and fewer than 8 textbooks per month, displaying which tutors and textbooks were available was crucial for customers' experience.

However, after two years, with over 2,000 tutors and 20 new textbooks monthly, a straightforward exposure of tutors/content was causing customers to face "choice paralysis." Hence, making 'tutor selection easier and book selection faster' became important.

Furthermore, with the diversification of customers' skills and goals through Ringle, we discovered a new issue. We needed to 'allow learners with any skill level to intuitively see growth through classes and provide consistent motivation to take classes.'

Thus, the team decided to move beyond merely exposing tutors and textbooks to creating a 'smart and efficient learning app/web' through the 3.0 project. At its core, the essence of this update is the team's vision for Ringle to be a product where customers can accumulate a steady learning experience, meeting more growth and opportunities through Ringle.

Now, let's take a look at how it has changed.

1. Focus on English Learning and 1:1 Lessons: 'Home' and 'Nevigation Bar'

Ringle Home image.

When logging in for classes, the first screen you encounter, the 'Home' screen, is now more focused on 1:1 lessons. The top menu has shifted to the left for better concentration. Not only that, but menu names and content have also changed to be optimized for 'smart and efficient English learning.'

Before: [Home] [1:1 Lessons] [Tutors] [Content] [Learning Activities]

After: [Home] [Lessons] [Study] [Events] [My Ringle]

On the updated Home screen, you can quickly check your booked class history, updated schedules of favored tutors, ongoing challenges, and Ringle's recommended tutors and textbooks. This allows you to efficiently book lessons and find everything you need for consistent learning in one place.

2. 'Lessons' for Booking and Checking Past Lessons

Ringle lesson booking Image.

In the 'Lessons' menu, you can check everything from class reservations to the history of past lessons. The lesson reservation process in this 3.0 update has become more straightforward, and lesson reviews have significantly improved.

3. 'Study' to Support Daily English Study

Ringle Daily Study Image.

In the newly added 'Study' menu, Ringle provides various English contents every day, even if it's not a lesson.

  • Newly introduced 'Daily Study' for studying a bit every day
  • 'Bite-Sized Feedback' allowing you to learn tutor feedback little by little every day
  • 'Read Together' for one-step further learning with English books
  • Daily updated 'New Materials'

4. 'Events' for Monthly Challenges to Webinars for Motivation

Ringel Event Page.

In the newly added 'Events' menu, various webinars and offline events related to growth, including Ringle webinars found in the 'Content' tab, will be available.

Moreover, challenges previously informed only through messages or emails are now intrinsic. Anticipate various challenge topics encouraging continuous Ringle lesson attendance and badge issuance upon challenge completion.

5. 'My Ringle' for Easily Monitoring Progress and Achievements

Ringle MyRingle Page.

Through the newly created 'My Ringle' menu, you can integrate scattered learning records. You can easily check all learning record information, including the number of lessons, lesson preparation/review completion rates, tutor feedback, and Ringle AI analysis, providing insights into how you've been learning, how you've been growing, and your progress.

All past learning records, including favorited/taken tutors and textbooks, are gathered in one place for quick and easy reference.

6. Consistent Experience on Ringle APP

링글앱 대표 이미지.

The inconvenience of different screens between the Ringle app and computer has been completely resolved. All the newly changed functions can be consistently checked and used on the Ringle app. Especially for daily study, Ringle AI analysis, and various learning contents beyond lessons, check and steadily improve your English skills every day.

We will continuously strive for your English improvement and growth through the renewed Ringle.

Want to experience Ringle 3.0 firsthand?
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링글 카카오톡
링글 고객센터 02-6204-8880
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2020 - 2025
6년 연속 선정한국소비자 평가 최고의 브랜드

(주)링글잉글리시에듀케이션서비스 | 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 415,4층401호 (삼성동,L7HOTELS강남 타워)
사업자등록번호: 876-81-00110
통신판매신고번호: 2019-서울강남-04831
대표이사: 이성파, 이승훈
개인정보 보호책임자: 이성파
대표전화: 02-6204-8880 | contact@ringleplus.com
보안 관련 문의: security@ringleplus.com
개인정보보호문의: privacy@ringleplus.com
