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Fires and Climate Change
Climate change has been identified as the cause of these recurring mega wildfires
Updated: 2020.10.29
13 min read · Intermediate
Fires and Climate Change
화재 및 기후 변화
Discussion Questions
In your own words, please briefly summarize the article.
Why did you choose this topic for today’s class discussion?
Do you think climate change poses a real threat to your life currently or in the near future? Why or why not?
Why do rising temperatures increase the chance of forest fires? Why do you think it is difficult to prevent or put out forest fires quickly?
What do you think about the claims that forest fires are caused by California state policies more so than climate change?
California’s wildfire season has officially begun, and Australia has accepted that another wildfire will break out. What measures do you think are necessary, both in the short and long term, to reduce wildfire damage?
Asian countries have been hit hard by floods and typhoons this year. Has the climate in your state or country changed since you were a child? What kinds of changes have you noticed?
Why do you think global discussions about climate change do not produce effective results? What changes do you think are necessary?
Who do you think can enact the most change: individuals, businesses, governments, or international organizations? Why? Do you think humans can solve climate change?
If you have a question or questions that you'd like to discuss during your class, please write them down.
new normal
뉴노멀 (새로운 표준 또는 생활방식 및 규범을 뜻하는 말)
a state to which an economy, society, etc. settle following a crisis when this differs from the situation that prevailed prior to the start of the crisis

Working from home has become the new normal for many, but not all, under COVID-19.

코로나-19로 인해 재택근무는 이제 많은 사람들에게 뉴노멀이 되었지만, 모두에게는 아니다.


While some claim that we are living in new normal, many people are realizing that there is no normal to go back to.

어떤 사람들은 우리가 뉴노멀 시대에 살고 있다고 말하지만, 많은 사람들은 (이전과 같은) 노멀로 돌아 갈수 없다는 것을 깨닫고 있습니다.

되풀이하여 발생하는
occurring again periodically or repeatedly

He had missed 21 games with recurring back problems during the season.

그는 시즌동안 허리 문제가 재발해 21게임을 결장했다.


I have this recurring dream where my teeth fall out. I want it to stop!

이가 빠지는 꿈을 계속 꾸고 있어. 그만 꿨으면 좋겠어!

out of hand
감당할 수 없는, 과도해진
not under the control

Things got a little out of hand at the party and three windows were broken.

파티에서 일이 좀 걷잡을 수 없게 되었고 유리창 세 개가 깨졌다.


The real estate market in this city is totally out of hand! $2,500 for a studio apartment?!

이 도시의 부동산 시장은 완전히 통제 불능이야. 원룸 주택 하나에 2500 달러라고?

예측, 예보
a prediction or estimate of future events, especially coming weather or a financial trend

On an everyday basis, many use weather forecasts to determine what to wear on a given day.

매일, 많은 사람들은 일기 예보를 확인해 그 날에 무엇을 입을지 결정한다.


Financial forecasting tells whether the company is headed in the right direction, estimating the amount of revenue and income that will be achieved in the future.

재무 예측은 회사가 올바른 방향으로 가고 있는지를 말해주고, 미래에 달성될 수익과 수입의 양을 추정한다.

본 교재는 당사 편집진이 제작하는 링글의 자산으로 저작권법에 의해 보호됩니다. 링글 플랫폼 외에서 자료를 활용하시는 경우 당사와 사전 협의가 필요합니다.
*본 교재는 당사 편집진이 제작하는 링글의 자산으로, 저작권법에 의해 보호됩니다. 링글 플랫폼 외에서 자료를 활용하시는 경우, 당사와 사전 협의가 필요합니다.