a gathering of a group of people, animals, or things, usually with the purpose of religious worship
Ringle Tip
Congregation is usually used in reference to the attendees of a church or religious service, but we can also use this concept in reference to other moments of gathering, even ones with animals or things instead of people.
At the end of the church service, the congregation all stood up from their seats and applauded the choir for their beautiful performance.
예배가 끝난 후 신도들은 모두 자리에서 일어나서 성가대의 아름다운 공연에 갈채를 보냈다.
After throwing bread crumbs on the ground for hours, she had attracted a congregation of hungry pigeons around her.
몇시간 동안 빵부스러기를 땅에 던지고 나자 배고픈 비둘기떼가 그녀 주변에 몰려들었다.
to put a feeling or idea into someone’s mind over time, influencing their behavior and thoughts towards a positive direction
Ringle Tip
We can use this phrase to refer to a person or thing building another person’s confidence—there is an external influence on their confidence, as opposed to the confidence coming from within.
Listening to motivational podcasts every morning while she got ready instilled confidence in her that she hadn’t had before—she now felt ready to take on her day ahead.
매일 아침 일어나 준비를 하는 동안 동기를 유발하는 파드캐스트를 들은 덕분에 그녀는 전에 없던 자신감을 얻을 수 있었다. 그래서 이제 그녀는 아침마다 자신있게 하루를 시작할 준비가 되어 있다고 느꼈다.
His teacher was always telling him that he was doing a good job and that he should keep going, providing positive reinforcement that instilled confidence in him.
그의 선생님은 항상 그에게 잘하고 있다고 계속 열심히 하라는 말을 해주었는데 그것은 그에게 자신감을 주입하는 긍정적인 강화효과를 가져왔다.
an ability or expertise acquired from one experience that can be applied to another experience
Ringle Tip
A transferable skill can often be a bigger idea behind the skill itself, like how writing a lot of essays would make you better at ‘communication’ as a broader skill.
Being a nanny can provide you with the transferable skills of responsibility and problem solving.
보모로 일한 경험은 너에게 책임감과 문제해결력이라는, 다른 분야에도 적용할 수 있는 기술을 얻게 해줄 것이다.
In her new job as a scientist, she was able to use the transferable skills from her former chef job, such as attention to detail and equipment safety.
새 직장에서 과학자로 일하게 된 그녀는 전에 요리사로 일하면서 얻은 기술- 세부사항을 꼼꼼히 챙기는 자세와 안전한 장비사용 등의 기술을 그대로 적용할 수 있었다.