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#Interview Prep
Getting to know oneself
Updated: 2022.01.15
3 min read · Basic
인터뷰 준비 팁
Discussion Questions
In your own words, please briefly summarize the article.
여러분의 언어로 교재를 간단히 요약해 주세요.
Have you had an interview before? If so, what was it for?
면접을 본 적이 있나요? 있었다면 어떤 목적으로 했나요?
(Following Question 2) How was the interview and what did you learn from the experience?
(질문 2 연결) 인터뷰는 어떠했고, 이 경험을 통해 무엇을 배웠나요?
Does the idea of having an interview make you nervous? Why or why not?
면접을 본다는 생각에 긴장되나요? 왜 또는 왜 그렇지 않은가요?
Do you think you know yourself well? Why or why not?
스스로를 잘 알고 있다고 생각하시나요? 왜 또는 왜 안 그런가요?
What do you think is most important when it comes to interviewing?
면접에서 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?
Think about a future interview you might have. What might it be like, and what would you do to prepare for the interview?
앞으로 있을 수 있는 면접에 대해 생각해 보세요. 어떤 상황일 것 같고, 면접을 준비하기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있을까요?
If you were to serve as an interviewer, what kinds of questions would you ask? What do you think is important to learn from an interviewee?
면접관이 된다면 어떤 질문을 하고 싶으신가요? 면접 대상자로부터 배워야 할 중요한 점은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?
If you have a question or questions that you'd like to discuss during your class, please write them down.
궁금한 점이 있거나 수업 중에 얘기해 보고 싶은 질문이 있으면 적어주세요.
accomplishments or qualities that makes you suitable for a job or position
Ví dụ

Having all the right qualifications doesn’t guarantee a job– you have to be able to tell your story compellingly to your interviewer.

Ví dụ

Trask focused so much on the interviewee' qualifications on their resume that he missed some warning signs in the interview.

having pleasant, agreeable manner and appearance
Ví dụ

She appeared personable in the interview, but you never know!

Ví dụ

My friends are all personable, well-spoken, and well-rounded.

본 교재는 당사 편집진이 제작하는 링글의 자산으로 저작권법에 의해 보호됩니다. 링글 플랫폼 외에서 자료를 활용하시는 경우 당사와 사전 협의가 필요합니다.
*This material is designed for the exclusive use of Ringle students on the Ringle platform.