the quality of evoking a sense of sadness, of melancholy
There is poignancy in his voice when he sings.
Jude’s novels are characterized by the gut-wrenching poignancy in his writing.
having moral or idealistic principles
Ostensibly, the leaders were motivated by high-minded and virtuous concerns.
The Compsons are known to be kind and high-minded, if not slightly stubborn.
being very serious and sincere
In her memoir, she reminds the reader multiple times that her memories might have been distorted in earnestness for veracity.
I am not sure if you are using the word “great” in earnestness or sarcasm.
if a situation or thing is a corollary of/to something else, it’s a natural consequence of it
A corollary to toxic corporate culture is low productivity.
The corollary of Ted’s uninformed decision to take out loans is that he’s been struggling with his personal finances.