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Korean and American Dogs
Cultural differences go beyond humankind
Updated: 2022.05.27
4 min read · Intermediate
Korean and American Dogs
한국과 미국의 반려견
Discussion Questions
In your own words, please briefly summarize the article.
여러분의 언어로 교재를 간단히 요약해 주세요.
Which is your favorite dog breed?
여러분이 가장 좋아하는 개 품종은 무엇인가요?
Why do you think the Lab is so popular in America? Have you ever met a Labrador?
래브라도가 미국에서 인기가 많은 이유는 무엇이라고 생각하시나요? 래브라도를 만나본 적이 있나요?
Can you think of any other reasons why Koreans and Americans might be interested in different breeds of dogs?
한국인과 미국인이 서로 다른 견종에 관심을 갖는 다른 이유는 무엇일까요?
Have you ever met a Jindo or other traditional Korean dog? What was that experience like?
진도개나 다른 한국 전통 개를 만나본 적이 있나요? 그 경험은 어땠나요?
Do you think that the pet boom is a sustainable trend or passing fad?
반려동물의 인기가 지속 가능한 트렌드라고 생각하시나요, 아니면 지나가는 유행이라고 생각하시나요?
What do you think the benefits of pet ownership can be?
반려동물을 키우면 어떤 이점이 있다고 생각하시나요?
What are the drawbacks of pet ownership?
반려동물 키우는 것의 단점은 무엇인가요?
If you have a question or questions that you'd like to discuss during your class, please write them down.
궁금한 점이 있거나 수업 중에 얘기해 보고 싶은 질문이 있으면 적어주세요.
a stock or strain of animals or plants within a species having distinctive characteristics
Ví dụ

The farmers are developing a new breed by way of deliberate selections.

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Some dog breeds are not meant to survive in the wild—their characteristics have been deliberately chosen so that they are aesthetically pleasing.

a person or thing holding a position or performing a function that corresponds to that of another person or thing in another place
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Metal tools replaced their stone counterparts a long time ago. What’s next?

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People shopping with gift cards spend more than their cash-paying counterparts.

an object or idea surviving from an earlier time
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His movies, which once achieved critical acclaim, have become an embarrassing relic from the 70s.

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The museum displays religious relics that have survived World War II.

본 교재는 당사 편집진이 제작하는 링글의 자산으로 저작권법에 의해 보호됩니다. 링글 플랫폼 외에서 자료를 활용하시는 경우 당사와 사전 협의가 필요합니다.
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