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#Work Trends
Are you Being “Quiet Fired”?
How to tell if your exit is near
Updated: 2022.12.27
3 min read · Intermediate
Are you Being “Quiet Fired”?
이제는 '조용한 해고'?
Discussion Questions
In your own words, please briefly summarize the article.
여러분의 언어로 교재를 간단히 요약해 주세요.
Have you or anyone you know been quiet fired?
본인이나 지인이 '조용한 해고'를 경험한 적이 있나요?
Do you think quiet firing is normally intentional or unintentional?
조용한 해고가 일반적으로 의도적인 것일까요, 아니면 그렇지 않을까요?
Do you prefer working for a boss who is very direct or less confrontational?
매우 직설적으로 말하는 상사와 덜 직설적인 상사 중 어떤 상사와 일하는 것을 더 선호하시나요?
Why do you think phenomena like quiet firing and quiet quitting are suddenly gaining a lot of attention?
조용한 해고와 조용한 퇴사 같은 현상이 갑작스럽게 많은 관심을 받는 이유는 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?
If you ever feel like you deserve a raise or aren’t getting the respect you deserve in the workplace, how do you normally handle it?
급여를 올려야 한다고 생각하거나 직장에서 마땅히 받아야 할 존중을 받지 못한다고 느낀 적이 있다면 보통 어떻게 대처하나요?
How many jobs have you had? Did you ever find it difficult to leave old ones?
그동안 얼마나 많은 직업을 경험하셨나요? 오래된 직장을 그만두는 것이 어렵지는 않으셨나요?
If you have a question or questions that you'd like to discuss during your class, please write them down.
궁금한 점이 있거나 수업 중에 얘기해 보고 싶은 질문이 있으면 적어주세요.
the quality or state of being subtle; a subtle distinction, feature, or argument
Ví dụ

The subtleties of English grammar are frustrating.

Ví dụ

He judges others with great subtlety.

a word or expression used to describe or identify something.
Ví dụ

Could you replace this adjective with a clearer descriptor?

Ví dụ

The only descriptor that the witness had on the attacker was that they were short.

(to) pass over
ignore the claims of someone to promotion or advancement; avoid mentioning or considering something
Ví dụ

Instead of dealing with this matter like a responsible adult, I will pass it over in hopes that it works itself out.

Ví dụ

She’s been passed over for a management position three times now.

본 교재는 당사 편집진이 제작하는 링글의 자산으로 저작권법에 의해 보호됩니다. 링글 플랫폼 외에서 자료를 활용하시는 경우 당사와 사전 협의가 필요합니다.
*This material is designed for the exclusive use of Ringle students on the Ringle platform.