staying the same, not changing opposite [SYNONYMS: remain steady/stable, remain unchanged, plateau, solid, even, flat]
The values have remained constant over time.
The constant dread of seeing my boss everyday finally made me leave that job.
keep changing from one belief, feeling, condition, etc., to an opposite one [SYNONYMS: fluctuate, vacillate, rise and fall, wax and wane]
There were some oscillations but sales hovered around three thousand.
The values in the graph oscillated around five percent.
reach the highest level [SYNONYMS: reach a peak of, hit a high of]
I think customer responses peaked in March.
Survey responses usually peak at about a hundred.
increasing values [SYNONYMS: increase, rise, climb, grow, go up, surge, boom, soar, move upward, skyrocket]
The upward trend in sales made things look hopeful for us.
Upward trends in customer responses made me excited for the campaign’s future.
decreasing values [SYNONYMS: decrease, drop, fall, decline, go down, reduce, take a nosedive, slide, plummet, plunge, dip]
There was a downward trend in customer responses following our PR incident.
Downward trends at the start aren’t always bad, sometimes it’s just a part of how these things go.
be greater or more than [SYNONYMS: excel, outdo, surpass, transcend]
Actual product performance far exceeded our expectations.
The performance of product A only just exceeded that of product B.