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#Small Talk
New Year’s Resolutions
Stay friends with your lost dreams
Updated: 2025.01.01
3 min read · Basic
New Year’s Resolutions
새해 다짐 때 생각해 볼 3가지
Discussion Questions
In your own words, please briefly summarize the article.
여러분의 언어로 교재를 간단히 요약해 주세요.
What part of the reading resonated with you most?
이번 교재에서 가장 공감하는 내용은 무엇인가요?
What were your last year’s “New Year’s resolutions”?
작년의 '새해 결심'은 무엇이었나요?
What resolutions have you made this year?
올해는 어떤 결심을 하셨나요?
Many cultures have different traditions regarding celebrating the New Year. What is your favorite New Year’s celebration? Why?
문화권마다 새해를 축하하는 전통이 다른데요. 가장 좋아하는 새해 축하 행사는 무엇인가요? 그 이유는 무엇인가요?
If you could relive any age, what would it be and why?
어떤 나이로 돌아갈 수 있다면 그 나이로 돌아갈 수 있다면 무엇이고 그 이유는 무엇인가요?
This time next year, what would be on your mind? Does the answer differ from what currently occupies your mind the most?
내년 이맘때가 되면 어떤 생각이 떠오르나요? 그 대답이 현재 가장 마음에 드는 것과 다른가요?
Why do you think New Year’s resolutions fail?
새해 결심이 실패하는 이유는 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?
If you have a question or questions that you'd like to discuss during your class, please write them down.
궁금한 점이 있거나 수업 중에 얘기해 보고 싶은 질문이 있으면 적어주세요.
self-inflicted punishment for having done something wrong
Ví dụ

He regards living with his old parents as a penance.

Ví dụ

After finishing his prison term, he spent ten years in a temple in penance.

indulgent of your own appetites and desires
Ví dụ

Hot chocolate is such a decadent dessert.

Ví dụ

Look at the gooey, decadent chocolate ganache dripping from the top.

be preoccupied with
thinking or worrying about something too much
Ví dụ

Sorry if I seemed distracted lately—I’ve been preoccupied with work stuff.

Ví dụ

He is preoccupied with the fluctuating value of his investments.

fed up with
be very annoyed and tired of something
Ví dụ

I’m done. I’m fed up with your rudeness. See? Even now, you’re giving me an attitude.

Ví dụ

Jake was fed up with the widespread corporate culture of treating employees as dispensable when he left his previous job.

본 교재는 당사 편집진이 제작하는 링글의 자산으로 저작권법에 의해 보호됩니다. 링글 플랫폼 외에서 자료를 활용하시는 경우 당사와 사전 협의가 필요합니다.
*This material is designed for the exclusive use of Ringle students on the Ringle platform.